About Me
So, a little about myself. My name is Goutham. I was born in India but completed all my education in Singapore, where I mostly live right now. I did my bachelor's in Computer Science at the National University of Singapore, worked in Game Companies for about 3.5 years and am now waiting to hopefully commence my master's studies in Europe.
As a game enthusiast, games have always been and always will be a major part of my life. I have played countless games over the years from various genres and even from various platforms (some emulated, but whatever). I've owned an XBox, Wii, 3DS and a Switch, though the majority of my games are played on the PC, with some considerable time having been spent on mobile games as well (though I've managed to somehow curb that habit).
I ran a website (Ravencrow Games) for about 2 years before it was sadly attacked by it's own security of all things and had to be taken down. Since then, I've eventually moved my blogging here and managed to start writing articles again.
In this website, you'll find game reviews and you'll find tons of them (at least as time passes anyway). I generally aim to review every game I play and will typically complete the review after completing the game or a substantial portion of it.
Game Reviews use a custom format that grades them based on 7 categories and gives them both a final number score as well as a personalized letter grades which simply reflects my feelings and serious opinions regarding the game. The reviews will essentially start out by offering basic information about the game, some opening comments, a detailed table showing strong and weak points for each of the 7 categories and some final closing comments at the end. They should take you no more than 5 minutes to read.
The categories are as follows
Gameplay (Covers the overall gameplay experience)
Game Design (Covers design choices)
Graphics (Covers aesthetics, presentation, UI and all manner of graphics)
Audio (Music, sound effects and voice acting)
Story (Covers the plot and writing)
Lore (Covers the characters and world lore)
Value (Covers the playtime, uniqueness and retail price)
Letter Grades are classified as follows
S* : 20
S+ : 19
S : 18
S- : 17
A+ : 16
A : 15
A- : 14
B+ : 13
B : 12
B- : 11
C : 10
D : 7-9
E : 4-6
F : 0-3
In addition to reviews, you'll also see a few Legacy Reviews. These are simply reviews I did in the past and will not follow the same modern format as Reviews The legacy reviews will be much wordier but at the same time might offer additional insights that the condensed modern review format might not be able to afford. Just keep in mind that these reviews will not always be complete, so you may simply opt to wait for the modern review to come out.
I may also write a review as an essay every now and then if it's a game that has that much to talk about. That will also be tagged as a legacy review.
Other articles will also be posted from time to time, mostly on the topic of games but might include other topics as well. Of course, if I ever make a new game, that will be covered here.
So yeah, enjoy what the site has to offer, and rest assured that more reviews will be regularly uploaded so do remember to check back from time to time :)
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